
Intelligent Warehouse

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Guang Dong Sunli Intelligent Logistics Equipment Co;Ltd 

Contact: Mr. Du / miss Shaw


Mobile:136 0028 2227



address:Tangxia Village Industrial Zone, Gaobu Town, Dongguan, Guangdong

Channel paving plate and hollow steel gusset plate

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Channel paving plate and hollow steel gusset plate

Detailed introduction

    Product features and applications:

    Usually use the medium and medium-sized shelf or heavy beam type shelf as the main body, with forklift or hydraulic lifting platform, upstairs and downstairs goods. Multi storey shelving can make use of warehouse space simply and efficiently.

    Plywood: the floor generally has laying plywood, flat steel plate, pattern steel plate, pattern steel buckle plate, punching steel buckle plate, hollow steel gusset plate and so on.

    Material: Steel

    Packing: stretch film or bubble bag

    Can be customized according to customer requirements non-standard.


Related tags:stereoscopicstorehouse


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