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Automated three-dimensional library four advantages you know?

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Automated three-dimensional library four advantages you know?

Release date:2017-04-25 Author: Click:

With the development of economy and the increasing circulation of goods, the traditional warehouse can not meet the needs of people, and the collection of modern technology, automated library with its efficient storage efficiency has won people's favor.

    Automated three-dimensional library has the following four advantages:

    1. Reduce labor costs

    Automated three-dimensional library due to the use of advanced intelligent control technology, eliminating the need for a lot of manpower, so reduce a lot of labor costs. And now with the economic development and improvement of people's living standards, labor costs are getting higher and higher, if not warehouse transformation, still use the traditional warehouse, not only in the storage efficiency to reduce a lot, and storage costs will be because A large number of the use of labor and make the cost of the warehouse can be improved.

    2. To enhance the efficiency of the three-dimensional libraryAutomatedWarehous

    Automated three-dimensional library and the traditional warehouse is a significant difference is to enhance the level of information warehouse. With the flow of goods become more and more traditional logistics gradually can not meet people's needs, so this has become the main reason for the trend of logistics information. The use of information can make the logistics and automated production of mutual convergence, enhance the logistics efficiency of the warehouse.

    3. Make full use of space resources

    Automated three-dimensional library fully utilizes the spatial resources of the warehouse, because the storage of goods in ordinary warehouse caused a lot of vertical space resources waste, can not make the warehouse to get its maximum storage effect. But the automated three-dimensional library can be a very good solution to this problem, the use of information technology and self-shelf, making the warehouse utilization increased several times in the warehouse storage and storage quality above have been greatly improved.

    4. The use of a variety of storage tools

    Automated three-dimensional library using trays as a tool for the handling of goods, trays because of its own unique structural design to large-scale transport of goods and warehousing, making the goods from access to access and access to the process between the access has been great Of the shortening, reducing the handling time, making the warehouse storage efficiency has been greatly improved.

    Guangdong Shun Li Intelligent Logistics Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in three-dimensional library, automated three-dimensional library, intelligent three-dimensional library production and sales. welcome for calling!

Related tags:AutomatedWarehouse

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