
Intelligent Warehouse

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Automated three-dimensional library in accordance with the form of access to goods which categories?

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Automated three-dimensional library in accordance with the form of access to goods which categories?

Release date:2017-04-25 Author: Click:

 Automated three-dimensional library in accordance with the form of goods access is divided into unit shelf, mobile shelves and picking shelves.

    (1) unit shelf type: unit shelf is a common form of warehouse. The goods first placed in the tray or container, and then loaded into the unit shelves on the goods. Automated three-dimensional libraryAutomatedWarehous

    (2) mobile shelf type: mobile shelf type by the electric shelf, the shelf can walk in the track, by the control device to control the shelf closure and separation. When the operation of the shelves apart, in the roadway can be operations; not operating when the shelves can be closed, leaving only a roadway operations, thereby enhancing the utilization of space.

    (3) picking shelf type: picking the shelf type sorting body is its core part, divided into sorting roadway and outside the road sorting two ways. "People before the arrival of the election" is the selection of personnel by picking the stacking machine to the goods before the election from the goods in the required number of goods out of the library. "Picking the goods to the people" is to store the required goods tray or container from the stacker to the picking area, picking personnel according to the requirements of the bill of lading to pick out the required goods, and then the remaining goods back to the original.

    Automatic three-dimensional library is also called automatic three-dimensional warehousing, logistics warehousing in the emergence of new concepts, the use of three-dimensional warehouse equipment can achieve high-level warehouse rationalization, access automation, easy operation: automated warehouse, is the current high level of technology.

Related tags:Warehouse,AutomatedWarehouse,IntelligentWarehous

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