
Intelligent Warehouse

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The Functional Features of Intelligent Three - dimensional Library

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The Functional Features of Intelligent Three - dimensional Library

Release date:2017-04-25 Author: Click:

      The Functional Features of Intelligent Three - dimensional Library

    Intelligent three-dimensional library scheduling monitoring and management system is the use of computers to achieve the automatic storage system equipment, all the operation process control, real-time monitoring and logistics information management and tracking. Logistics information management includes job planning, job scheduling, operations, and job changes. Computer scheduling monitoring and management system is an important part of the automated warehouse system. Intelligent three-dimensional library

    WC / MS design principles should be practical, reliable, advanced and open (scalable).AutomatedWarehous

    AS / RS system level introduction

    The complete AS / RS is divided into four layers: service layer, management layer, monitoring layer and execution layer. WC / MS management to the top three:

    The service layer is provided by the system server database service, through the local area network and the management layer carries on the material data exchange and processing, and realizes the business system information integration and the resource share.

    Management of the system to complete the senior management of the system, responsible for the warehouse system inventory management, out of the library management, query reports, inventory analysis, system maintenance, fault analysis and other work to achieve with the server and monitoring system information and operational instructions issued.

    The monitoring layer is responsible for receiving and forwarding, coordinating the import and export instructions of the management system, completing the decomposition of the operation instructions, queuing and issuing, controlling the implementing agencies of the logistics equipment; receiving and processing real-time acquisition and animation tracking of various information of the control system. Is the heart of the management and control system.

    Execution layer through the implementation of various aspects of the implementation of agencies, follow-up and follow the tasks specified in the order.


Related tags:Warehouse,AutomatedWarehouse,IntelligentWarehous

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